Attend PMC & Meet NSW CPD Obligations

Attend the PMC in March 2023 - Property Management Conference and complete your NSW CPD Obligations!

We have partnered with Real Coach / Ray White Training to endorse the PMC 2023 Conference for your Elective CPD obligations for NSW Class 1 & Class 2 Licence Holders.

As an added bonus of attending PMC 2023 if you have not yet completed the other elements of your CPD obligations Real Coach / Ray White Training will supply you the self paced video based course at a discounted rate.

How it all works:

Hurry! Remember the NSW Fair Trading CPD obligation must be completed by the deadline of 22nd March 2023.

We have made this process simple and easy to complete.

Please choose (below) the option that best suits your needs.

if you are unsure of your obligations or just wish to discuss your personal circumstances please contact Real Coach / Ray White Training on 1300 380 800 or email - Please choose the option that matches your Real Estate Licence Class either Class 1 / Class 2 Licence Holders.

How do I Register?

Frequently Asked Questions

No, each topic will be taught from the ground up and requires no prior knowledge.
Three days of focused learning, but you can always break it down to smaller segments and study when you have the time.
A team of digital marketing specialists and experts have composed this course based on current day tactics and their real-world professional experience.
You will learn how each major digital channel functions, how to build multi-channel campaigns and the basics of conversion optimization. These pillars of marketing can easily boost your ROI considerably.
If your experience is focused on a single marketing channel or a single type of activity, yes! Learning how the rest of your marketing ecosystem works can yield great results and optimization opportunities.
At this time the course is available only in the English language, with a focus on US and EU marketing ecosystems.

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